is a unique and creative medium of self-expression. It is an art form requiring aesthetic sense as well as technical expertise. A hobby that can be made profitable by going professional by the talented.
With the explosion of the communication network, the growth of advertising and media and the fashion boom and digital photography, it has now become a profession with great commercial value. Photos are an
essential part in both print and electronic media. So this is an area offering great scope who have an interest and attributes needed to be a professional.

Being a creative medium, photography requires more of inherent talent for success than formal training. However training bones the inherent skills and help to shine in this competitive field with various specializations like – press photography, feature Photography, Industrial Photography, Wedding Photography, Advertising Photography,
Fashion Photography, Wildlife Photography, Forensic Photography etc. Creating a commercial quality Photograph requires the skill for choosing and presecuting a subject in a way to achieve the maximum effect with the appropriate equipment. One should have a difinite know how of the angle, lighting and the latest equipments and technology to make a name in the field.

Successful photographers are creative individuals who can think and communicate in visual terms. They are able to interpret a client’s needs, translating their ideas into images that work. Thus photography basically requires a keen, observant eye, and an intelligent, curious and perceptive mind. A photographer must have full knowledge and command over the variety of cameras, lights and props, and all kinds of photographic techniques. photographer must have creativity, determination and good powers of observation. They must also have the ability to work quickly under pressure, in difficult conditions and irregular hours.
One of the most exciting aspects of photography is the variety of Jobs available in the field, ranging from highly specialized, technical work to Jobs that require creativity and visual literacy.

One can begin the career as an assistant of a senior or professional photographer, so that he/she can grasp the finer points of photography, in which capacity they are paid around Rs. 4000-6000 earnings can go up to Rs. 25,000 depending upon the designation and the organisation likewise and may be more once you have established yourself
as a freelancer. The government employs photographers on a regular pay scale to do general photography documentation, for covering day-to-day events and functions and for making photo features and captioning.
Fashion phtographers can find employment with fashion houses, designers, Fashion Journals and news papers, PVTI offer Certificate/Diploma courses in photography into Two (2) phases. They are :
Advanced Diploma in Media Technology and Photography
Course includes still photography (both Analog & Digital), Video Photography, Video Editing, Photoshop and TV graphics & Animation.
Session begins in the month of April of every year. Classes will be held on full week days except Monday (Monday is weekly holiday) from 10 AM to 12.45 PM & 1.45 PM to 4.30 P.M.
Educational Qualification
12th Pass (Any stream). Working knowledge in English is essential.
12th Pass (Any stream). Working knowledge in English is essential.
- History of Photography
- Let’s take a good picture
- Digital SLR camera handling
- Analog SLR Camera handling.
- Basic Principles of light.
- Elementary colour theory.
- Colour temperature.
- Different type of Lenses.
- Picture composition Exposures and its effects.
- Lighting Techniques Filters.
- Microscopic Photography
- Macro Photography Perspective & Prespective Correction
- Introduction of Digital software
- Digital Album Making.
- Retouching & Restoration.
- Photographic Developers/papers
- Outdoor & Indoor assignments.
- Photoshop
- Layering Image
- Introduction of tools and many more.
- Image restoration
- Graphics Designing .
- Television Graphics
- Animation (2D & 3D)
- Video Editing & Compositing Visual FX with Video footage.
- Digital Film Making in FCP on Mac OS
- Sound Recording and Editing
- Motion Picture Photography
Weekend Photography (fri, sat & sun)
Course includes basic still photography (Analog & Digital) and Photoshop Session begins in the month of January, May & September of every year. Classes will be held on Friday, Saturday & Sunday of every week. First month Theoretical class & next two months practical class (both Analog & Digital). Class hours begin from 10
AM to 12.45 P.M.
Educational Qualification
H.S.L.C. pass, working knowledge in English is essential
- Basic principles of photography.
- Digital SLR Camera handling.
- Analog SLR Camera Handling.
- Composition. Exposure.
- Various types of Lens.
- Introduction of Computers.
- Photoshop.
- Digital Shooting Lighting technique and many more.